Increased demand for computer science!!!Nowadays, there is so much pressure on the government that scholarships are being cut down a lot. In such a situation, it is the responsibility of the institutes of this field to give scholarships to meritorious students. As far as PGDM program is concerned, this program is much ahead of MBA. Brilliant students who prepare for CAT, MAT and JEE know that PGDM program is the latest course. All indian Institutes of Management used to offer only PGDM till 2017, until the indian Parliament passed a bill and made it very easy.
There is no age limit in PGDM program. Engineering, Arts and Commerce can come to the program through any medium. Along with this, studies here do not depend on any course book but on projects, industrial internships. You must have seen that whether the field is journalism or banking, life does not take exams in 3 hours. Life gives opportunities, there are also such difficulties, which can be overcome with many helpers.
To achieve success, it is not enough to just give a 3-hour exam, but it is also important to take up projects, send them with new thinking and to promote how new things can be done in the economy. Such research and experiments have been done in any PGDIM program, which not only prepares our children for jobs in the industry, but the industry needs them to be future ready. If the children are not future ready, then the company cannot be future proof.
Some children come very early with the understanding that whatever they have to study, they need it for a job, whether it is government or private. But there are many such brilliant students, who ask the question that why are we studying what we are doing.
If a child studies Newton's Law of Third Motion, then why should he study it? What impact will it have on his life? If a PGDIM student studies the three pieces of marketing, how will he use the three pieces of marketing? Will he just write its definition in the exam? Or how will he use it in the workplace, it is very important to know this.
That is why it is very important to adopt a practical approach and for these things we encourage children to ask questions, learn and learn by experimenting. Learn by doing projects themselves and not just memorizing. Intellectual ability is important, ability to remember is important and more important than that is to learn from the latest things. There is a saying in English, I read, I forget. I write I remember. I do and I remember for life. As far as the new education policy is concerned, it has taken indian education to the global level.