Tips for back pain relief


Maintain a healthy weight. Extra pounds stress your back and can cause pain. Eating a healthy diet filled with fruits and vegetables and low on processed foods can keep your weight in a healthy range and you’re back healthy. Keep your back muscles strong. The most common back problems happen because people who aren't in shape start doing heavy lifting or hard work and stress their back. But when you build up enough muscle strength in your back with exercise, the muscles give your spine the support it needs to keep it healthy.

That's why physical therapy is standard back pain treatment, but being in shape can help you avoid back pain to begin with. Stretch your muscles. In addition to exercise, stretching is important for staying flexible and avoiding back problems. It's also a key part of recovering from a back injury. Stretch before doing heavy lifting or exercise and make a habit of doing it before bed.

Focus on good posture. Poor posture is another major contributor of back pain. Standing up straight with your ears over your shoulders, your shoulders over your hip joints and your hip joints over your ankles will help keep your healthy pain-free. When you're sitting, getting a chair that's designed to keep your back straight will help.


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