What is the effect of eating late night?


Acid reflux is a common condition in which stomach acid moves back up into your esophagus after eating. It often accompanies heartburn, or a burning or tight pain in your lower or mid-chest. Though occasional, mild acid reflux and heartburn symptoms are rarely cause for alarm, recurrent symptoms can indicate the chronic digestive disorder, GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Eating calorie-dense foods late at night can enhance your wellness if you are underweight because of illness, medical treatment or reduced appetite. If this is the case, choose healthy calorie-dense foods, such as nuts, avocado or cheese, over processed snack foods.

Avoid fluid-containing foods, such as soup and milkshakes, to prevent need for middle-of-the-night bathroom runs. Caffeinated foods and beverages, such as chocolate, coffee, energy drinks and various energy-boosting diet foods, can make it difficult to fall asleep and lead to daytime grogginess the following day.

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