Good health is a daily thing


fruit and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre. Not only do they make you feel great, they can also help protect you against heart disease and some forms of cancer. Aim to eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables each day  that’s a lot easier than you might think.


Starchy carbohydrates (or starchy energy foods) should form the biggest part of your diet along with fruit and vegetables. As well as providing energy, they’re a source of fibre and B vitamins. Carbohydrate foods are your body’s fuel and it’s best to choose slow-burning options. Go for wholegrain varieties like multi-grain/wholemeal bread, wholegrain pasta and brown rice.


Milk and dairy foods like cheese and yogurt are an important source of calcium, protein and vitamins A and B12. Try to have some every day. They also contain fat, so look out for lower fat options where possible, like swapping whole milk for semi-skimmed or swapping creamy yogurts for low fat varieties.

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