Some tips to every Mom to take of their Babies hygienically


As people adopt social distancing measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, every mom should know that newborns are most prone to infections as their immune system is still developing, and hence, they should be protected from infection-causing germs and bacteria. Sanitise your hands every now and then before touching your baby.


An expert said Simple tips like washing your hands before feeding your baby, after changing a nappy, after touching pets or any surdata-face and not mixing baby's clothes with that of any adult's can go a long way in protecting your baby from infections. Washing your hands properly and regularly for a minimum of 20 seconds with water and soap is essential to remove harmful bacteria and germs.


It is equally important to encourage your toddler to wash hands. Keep a sanitizer with you at all times, just in case you do not have the option to wash your hands. While your baby is playing, crawling, or running, she comes in contact with floor surdata-faces and almost everything in the house. This exposes her to all kinds of bacteria. Therefore, make sure to clean surdata-faces with disinfectants, the ayurveda expert advised. 

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