Corona Five steps for acceptance

In our country, the corona patients’ number is increasing day by day. However, the fear in our mind has been decreased from the time when we have 100 cases to today even though there are more than one lakh cases in the country. The main reason for this is our thinking. This change in our thinking is called “Kupler Rose Model”
Whenever a human being has come across something which is not acceptable, then he comes across the following five phases
1. Denial – Brain denies the fact from accepting it saying I am an exception to it (when we heard first case of corona)
2. Anger – When someone asks us to stop doing something which we are habituated we get anger (Lock Down)
3. Bargain – Our brain starts bargaining about our state getting less effected,  Scientists Finding corona vaccine as early as possible etc.,
4. Depression – if nothing happens as per our will then we may go to depression
5. Acceptance – This is the final phase where accept the reality and get ready to data-face the situation (May our current situation where we actually look for precautions rather than being afraid )
Not only for Corona, this model is applicable to every scenario of human life. Person who can directly jump to the Acceptance phase from the First phase would gain more happiness and peace of mind than the person who cannot come out of the Depression phase.

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