How to tackle Seasonal Allergies?


Apparently if you are someone who’s plagued by seasonal allergies, the changing of seasons can be especially harsh on you. Sneezing, runny and blocked nose, watery and itchy eyes, coughing, throat irritation, an excess of phlegm and a constant headache all of these might be happening at the same time, or maybe you are experiencing a single symptom. Also known as allergic rhinitis, seasonal allergies occur when outdoor moulds release their spores or when trees, grass and weeds release tiny pollen particles. These spores and pollens are known as allergens and they enter the body and release chemicals known as histamines in the bloodstream, which in turn causes the allergic reactions.


Over the counter antihistamines are usually recommended for allergies to people who get them suddenly or at every season change, although they can make you sleepy. While you may have to use these medications to reduce the effect of allergies, there are some natural ways to deal with this seasonal issue too. Allergens usually enter the body through the mucous membranes in the nose, so cleansing your nose is very important. Steam inhalation, neti pot and nasal sprays can help you do this.


Keeping your house clean and disinfected can help get rid of any number of triggers. You might even want to bar the doors and windows during peak pollen season or get an air purifier to keep the allergens away. Stress, anxiety and panic can make seasonal allergies worse. Meditate, indulge in some self-care and use other methods of relieving stress to be able to manage allergies better.

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