What do your Nails say about your Health?If there is any disease in your body, then you should go to the doctor immediately, just like if you see any strange changes in your nails, then understand that they are indicating you were unhealthy. Yes, your nails tell the secret of your health.Whether you are healthy or unhealthy can be understood by the data-size and color of your nails. Although most people ignore it, but it is very important to know from the health point of view or else you may fall in the grip of some major disease.
If the nails are yellowishYellowing of nails indicates that you may have Thyroid Symptoms. This yellowness can also be due to applying nail polish for a long time.
Yellow and Fatty NailsIf your nails are yellow and thick then you can be a victim of diabetes because only such people have yellow nails in those who have diabetes.
Blue nailsIf you are stressed, a blue line will appear on your nails. Meaning a state of depression is being created inside you.
Black NailsThere is a deficiency of calcium and iron inside you, only then your nails become black.
Scratch between nailsThis gives very dangerous signs like you may have some skin cancer. In this, a line comes in between the nails. So be careful if you see such a sign and immediately consult a doctor.