Cold weather affects pneumonia for children- tips to prevent!!?


Health Tips: The risk of pneumonia increases in children and the elderly in cold weather, this is how you can easily prevent

In this cold season, all people need to take special care of their health, even a slight negligence during this time can cause many types of health problems. health experts say, with the fall in temperature, the risk of many diseases increases, and children and the elderly are more at risk of pneumonia during this season. All people must keep protecting themselves from this serious health problem. pneumonia is an infection caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungus that affects the lungs. In this condition breathing becomes difficult.

Health experts say the risk of pneumonia has been seen more in the winter season. Apart from the drop in temperature, indoor pollution is believed to aggravate the problem. During the winter season, we spend more time indoors and in close contact with people, due to which the risk of this health problem may be higher. The problem of pneumonia can also cause serious complications in some situations. It is also considered to increase the risk of death in children and the elderly, so all people should continue to protect themselves from such health risks. Let us know what the things need to be taken care of for this.

Pay attention to such symptoms in children and the elderly

Although pneumonia can occur at any age, the risk of complications related to it is high in children and the elderly. Many times its clear symptoms are not visible in children. In some children, pneumonia may cause shortness of breath, vomiting, or difficulty eating and drinking. Problems like fast breathing or wheezing are seen in children below the age of 5 years. The risk of respiratory complications has been observed to be higher in older people. These symptoms of pneumonia should also be taken care of.

Persistent cough with phlegm.

Fever - Chills.

shortness of breath.

Chest pain that gets worse on breathing or coughing.

Vomiting and headache.

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