Heart Attack : These 5 factors increase risk...

S Venkateshwari
Heart Attack : These 5 factors increase risk...

Myocardial infarction is the technical term for heart attack which causes the heart muscle to fail by putting pressure on it due to insufficient blood flow in the body. It is usually due to blockage in the arteries due to which blood does not reach the heart and there is a risk of heart attack.

5 factors increase risk of getting heart attack

1. Cholesterol 

Uncontrolled cholesterol causes blockage of veins and this also increases the risk of heart attack. That's why it is important that you increase the amount of fiber in your diet. Also exercise and eat oats, porridge, healthy protein food regularly.

2. Diabetes

Yes, diabetes damages your heart. If blood sugar is always high, the age of more than 65 years, then the risk of heart attack in diabetes patients is up to 68%.

3. High blood pressure

Heart disease is also at risk due to high blood pressure. When blood pressure increases, your heart has to work harder. Hardening of the heart muscles can lead to a heart attack. Proper exercise, low salt and low fat diet, moderate alcohol consumption, healthy weight and stress management can lower your blood pressure.

4. Obesity

Increased cholesterol, blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack and obesity is the reason for all these things. Excess fat in the body also takes a toll on the heart.

5. Insufficient exercise

Coronary heart disease risk is increased by a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of physical labor is responsible for the increase in obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol. Adults should aim for 75 minutes of vigorous activity (such as jogging) or at least 150 minutes of moderate activity (such as brisk walking) per week.

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