Special 3 weight gain juice...!
Weight gain juice: If children are worried about not gaining weight, then drink these 3 juices from today, the difference will be seen in a few days. parents give all dry fruits and nutrients to the children to remove their thinness. Even after this, the weight of the children does not increase. If children are worried about not gaining weight, then drink these 3 juices from today, the difference will be seen in a few days.
With the age of children, their physical organs and brain develop. In the meantime, the height of some children remains a little less and the weight of some, many times the parents also have to listen to this. parents give all dry fruits and nutrients to the children to remove their thinness. Even after this, the weight of the children does not increase. If you are also worried about this, then today we are going to tell you 3 such juices, on regular consumption of which children will gain weight. Let's know about these juices...
Uric Acid: If you want to eliminate uric acid from the root, then follow these tips from today itself, Kidney will remain fit.To make avocado juice, peel them into 2 pieces. Now put it in the mixer and mix lemon, name, and city according to taste. Now give it to the children to drink. spinach is very beneficial for vegetables as well as juice. Regular consumption of juice increases the weight of children by increasing their eyesight. Iron, vitamins A, B2, C, and immunity are found in spinach. It completes the anemia of children.
The taste of Chiku is very sweet. High calories are found in it. It is very beneficial in increasing weight. Juice is very helpful in increasing obesity. You can also make a shake of chikoo. For this drinking chiku mixed with milk is very beneficial. It also works for insomnia to depression and to cure the digestive system.
To make chiku juice, cut it into pieces and grind it with orange. After this, grind it well and filter it. Now filter this juice and mix it with the city and lemon juice and drink it.