Careful:Digital Eye strain and vision problems?...

S Venkateshwari
Careful:Digital Eye strain and vision problems?...

According to a poll conducted by the Vivo firm, those who talk on the phone a lot:

76% of users access sites to watch videos and images

68% of individuals use social media sites to watch the news; 

72% interact with old acquaintances on social media; and

66% use their phones for leisure

When offline classes began to replace online ones after the coronavirus outbreak, many students who arrived at the school were unable to read what was written on the whiteboard. The parents of the children learned that the condition of their children's eyesight was deteriorating after receiving a complaint from the school. Myopia is the term used in science to describe this eye condition. The main issue with myopia is that as the light fades over time, there is a risk of becoming blind.

Although there are now smart lenses on the market that can slow down the pace of vision deterioration in youngsters between the ages of 5 and 16. 

The Department of Ophthalmology at AIIMS predicts that 40% of indian youngsters would have poor vision by the year 2050. Doctors encourage us to periodically focus on objects in the distance. For those who spend a lot of time in front of a screen, the 20-20-20 rule may be useful.

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