Papaya consumption causes more damage than good...

S Venkateshwari
Papaya consumption causes more damage than good...

Eating papaya is considered very good for health. Papaya is filled with many nutrients like magnesium, fibre, and vitamins, fiber helps in fighting many diseases along with increasing immunity. It keeps the body weight under control and promotes healthy cardiac function when consumed. Papaya keeps the digestive system healthy, but even after having so many qualities, there are situations we should avoid it, let us know.

Never take medicine after papaya

One should avoid taking any kind of medicine immediately after eating papaya because by doing so, the chemical of some medicine creates a chemical reaction by mixing with the papaya. As a result, there is a possibility of internal haemorrhaging.

Jaundice and asthma

Jaundice and asthma patients can also be harmed by eating papaya. According to experts, papain and beta carotene present in papaya are harmful to both these diseases. According to experts, the consumption of papaya can prove to be harmful even for patients with heart diseases.

During pregnancy

Eating papaya during pregnancy can be harmful because the papain present in it damages the cell membrane of the body. These things are very important for the development of the unborn child. Therefore, it is suggested that expectant women avoid eating papaya.

Low blood sugar level

People with low sugar levels should not eat papaya at all. Doing this can increase their problems. Diabetic patients should also not consume papaya without a doctor's advice. Papaya is high in fibre and low in sugar (8.3 grams in a cup of sliced papaya), so it is not suitable for low-sugar people.

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