So many diseases can happen due to mosquito bites...

S Venkateshwari
So many diseases can happen due to mosquito bites...

Monsoon season is a relief for everyone because it comes after summer. However, we should not forget that it also increases the risk of many dangerous diseases. Like malaria, cholera, dengue, chikungunya and other deadly diseases. Every year different types of mosquitoes are born, which increases the outbreak of many diseases. Apart from acne and hair damage, there are some diseases in this season which can be very dangerous and life-threatening. Rain provides relief from the scorching heat, but due to sudden drop in temperature, the risk of many virus and bacterial infections increases a lot. The risk of many infections increases a lot in the rain. Like skin allergy, dengue fever, malaria and flu infection. It is very difficult to get rid of these problems. It is most important that you take care of some special things in this season. Take special care of hygiene in this season.

Mosquito-borne diseases

Mosquito-borne diseases spread rapidly in this season. Such as malaria, dengue and chikungunya. Mosquito-borne diseases spread rapidly in the monsoon season. Water starts accumulating in many places during the rainy season. In such a situation, mosquito-borne diseases spread rapidly.


Malaria is spread by the bite of the Anopheles mosquito. The symptoms of malaria are fever, body ache, chills as wellas sweating when the fever subsides. If you are also experiencing any such symptoms in this season, then you should immediately get a blood test done. This will let you know in time whether you have malaria or not.


Dengue is spread by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Its symptoms are high fever, rashes, headache and rapid drop in platelet count. It is most important to get it treated in time.


Chikungunya spreads especially during the rainy season. This disease is caused by the bite of a tiger Aedes albopictus species mosquito. Joint pain, fatigue, fever with chills are the main symptoms of chikungunya.

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