Dopamine increases being more active on social media!!!

Kokila Chokkanathan
Dopamine increases being more active on social media!!!

Nowadays people in the country have started spending a lot of time on social media. Due to this, the level of dopamine in people's body is increasing. Now the question must be arising in your mind that what is this dopamine. According to reports, dopamine is a type of chemical that is formed in our brain. It also plays an important role in motivation and happiness. However, excess amount of dopamine is harmful.

What is Dopamine?

For your information, let us tell you that dopamine is a neurotransmitter that goes into the brain and motivates us to do such things which give us instant happiness. Now dopamine is released in the brain of a person who uses social media or plays video games and he now motivates the person to do the same things again and again. That is why excess dopamine release can also prove to be dangerous.

Harmful to health

Let us tell you that excess dopamine release is harmful to the body. According to the information, due to the release of more dopamine, a person starts losing patience. Along with this, he also starts becoming mentally weak. A person can also lose his temper due to addiction to anything. Excessive dopamine release starts creating irritability in people.

Dopamine being released from social media

Earlier, normal things used to give happiness to people, due to which dopamine used to provoke them to do the same things again. But now, even after being more active on social media, dopamine is being released in people's brain, due to which people are now spending more time on social media. At the same time, due to the release of more dopamine, patience is also decreasing a lot in people. According to the university of Michigan, about 20 million people around the world are troubled by social media addiction. At the same time, many youths are also resorting to dopamine detox to avoid this.

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