AI in cancer screening, detection and diagnosis...

S Venkateshwari
AI in cancer screening, detection and diagnosis...

AI is now making cancer detection methods faster, more accurate and reliable. AI is now helping doctors to identify cancerous parts in prostate biopsy images. It can look at images like mammograms very quickly, which saves a lot of time for doctors. NCI scientists are also using AI to detect cervical and prostate cancer.

AI is now using new methods to discover and make medicines, use old medicines in new ways and also tell how much patients will benefit from the medicines. NCI scientists are using AI to understand how T cells (a type of immune cell) should fight cancer. It is also helping to understand how medicines work. NCI scientists have created a program that maps the ways medicines work. NCI and the Department of Energy have jointly started a project called MOSSAIC. In this project, using AI, information about cancer is being quickly entered into NCI's SEER program. This information can help prevent, detect and treat cancer.

Special AI tool for cancer treatment

According to a recent report by the National Institute of health (NIH), scientists have created an AI tool that can tell which patients can benefit more from the 'checkpoint inhibition' drug used in the treatment of cancer by looking at general information about the patients.

This drug makes cancer cells easier for our immune system. But it does not work for everyone. Therefore, scientists are trying to find out which patients will benefit the most from these drugs. If we can find out in advance that a patient will not benefit from these drugs, then we can save them from side effects and give them the right treatment. So far, the US FDA has approved two biomarkers that help identify patients who are likely to benefit from these drugs. One biomarker measures tumor mutational burden, which is how many changes have occurred to the dna in cancer cells. But these tests are not always accurate. Other tests rely on molecular data from the tumor, which is expensive and not done everywhere.

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