Can root canal treatment of teeth be cause of heart attack?

S Venkateshwari
Can root canal treatment of teeth be cause of heart attack?

It sounds really strange when someone says that a heart attack can occur after dental surgery. It is really a matter to thinkthat what is the connection of teeth with heart? If you are also confused whether this is true or just a minute, then let us tell you in this news how much truth is there in this. Many people get root canal therapy (RCT) done as a regular dental surgery to protect teeth from getting damaged or infected. Despite being considered safe, there is definitely a doubt about root canal therapy that it can be related to heart attack.

What is a root canal?

A root canal is a dental operation used to remove diseased tissue from the core of the tooth. To prevent further damage, dentists remove bacteria and decay by filling the empty space. Any tooth that may need to be removed can be saved with this technique. Although root canal treatment is a common procedure, the chances of any kind ofproblems are very lowinit. Because it is done by giving local anesthesia.

What is its relation withheart attack?

It is said that root canal treatment can be associated with heart attack or other heart problems. This is especially true for those who have no history of heart disease. Actually this fear has come from the fact that bacteria that are removed during the root canal procedure can enter the blood stream, which can cause inflammation or infection in the rest of the body including the heart.

According to the study "Endodontic Therapy and Incident Cardiovascular Disease: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study", there is no concrete evidence that root canal treatment directly causes heart attack.

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