Do you have 'Idiot Syndrome'?... Symptoms, Solutions!!

Sowmiya Sriram
Do you have 'Idiot Syndrome'?... Symptoms, Solutions!!
Everyone needs health care. Moreover, these days new diseases are coming to the fore. heart attacks, diabetes, and many other diseases are prevalent regardless of age. However, It is good to be careful about health, but it is said that nothing is good, such as reactive reactions and self-medication. Yes... paying attention to health is a good habit but... worrying about health and repeatedly searching online about one's problems is not good at all. They say that such symptoms can be called idiot syndrome. This internet-derived information obstruction treatment syndrome is also known as cyber chondria in medical terms.
Those who suffer from this idiot syndrome are constantly worried. Thinking that they are suffering from a serious illness due to their minor symptoms, they search online for hours unnecessarily to find out what disease those symptoms are related to, what are the symptoms of that disease and what kind of treatment should be taken. While searching online, when you see disturbing information, you start to sweat and your heart beats faster due to anxiety. It is said that they have more faith in the information found online than in the information given by the doctors.
Whether this is the case or not, experts say that relying solely on online searches carries the risk of misdiagnosing the disease. As a result... there is a risk of treating one disease for another disease and this will lead to fraud in the first place. There is no risk of worsening the situation. If you feel any illness, big or small, do not give priority to online search. I need to reduce the urge to search online with the worry of what disease I have actually contracted. Some relaxation techniques can be followed to get out of this type of anxiety. For this... it is said that you can try doing grain and muscle-relaxing exercises. First of all... don't forget that not all information found online is true. If this type of anxiety does not subside no matter how hard you try, you should consult a doctor.

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