Are there any reasons other than cold that cause joint pain?

S Venkateshwari
Are there any reasons other than cold that cause joint pain?

Dr yash Gulati, orthopedic surgeon at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital said, there are many reasons other than cold that can increase joint pain in winter. In winter, days are shorter and there is less sunlight. This can cause a deficiency of vitamin D in the body, which is necessary for bones and joints. Weight can increase in winter due to overeating and less activity. This puts more pressure on the joints and can increase pain.

Heaters are often used inside the house in winter. Heaters make the air dry, which can increase inflammation in the joints according to some studies. At the same time, our sleep pattern changes in winter. Some people become victims of Seasonal Affective Disorder, which reduces their ability to bear pain.

Do some people have more joint pain in winter than others?

Dr yash Gulati says that this is absolutely correct. People who have diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis are more affected by changes in weather. If you have ever had a joint injury or surgery, thencold can increase pain in that area.

Some people are more sensitive to pain from birth. Apart from this, some genes also make one sensitive to changes in weather. Being overweight puts more pressure on the joints, which can increase pain. Apart from this, old age can also be a reason. With increasing age, there is wear and tear in the joints and their flexibility decreases. Due to this, elderly people may have more pain in winter.

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