If you have high BP, don't drink too much 'coffee'..!?

frame If you have high BP, don't drink too much 'coffee'..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
If you have high bp, don't drink too much 'coffee'..!?
Can people with high blood pressure drink coffee? Here's what happens if you drink it. Due to today's poor diet and some unhealthy habits, many people data-face various problems. One of them is blood pressure. There are two types of it, low and high blood. In that way, high blood pressure has become a common problem. But if it is not taken care of properly, it can cause a very serious condition. This increases the blood flow in the arteries of the body. Due to this, the heart has to work very hard to pump blood. If high blood pressure is not controlled, it will put too much pressure on the heart and blood vessels. This can even lead to life-threatening conditions. It is very important to follow a proper diet and lifestyle to keep high blood pressure under control. Now the question is, can people with high blood pressure drink coffee or not? If the same question arises in your mind, then you can see the answer to this question in this post now.
According to experts, since coffee contains caffeine, it acts as a stimulant in our body. And it can temporarily increase blood pressure in the body. A study has also found that bp increases for up to 3 hours after consuming caffeine. people with high bp do not need to stop drinking coffee completely, but if consumed in small quantities and with caution, there will be no problem. You can drink only one cup of coffee a day.

Effects of drinking coffee for people with high BP:

A study found that people with high blood pressure who drank two or more cups of coffee a day had an increased risk of heart disease compared to those who did not drink coffee. This can even lead to death. However, on the contrary, people with high blood pressure who drank one cup of coffee or green tea a day did not have an increased risk of heart disease. According to some other studies, drinking coffee can reduce the risk of developing dangerous diseases such as type 2 diabetes and some cancers, help control appetite, and reduce the risk of depression. However, when it comes to the harmful effects of caffeine, drinking too much coffee can increase blood pressure. Apart from this, it can also cause problems like anxiety, palpitations, and difficulty sleeping.
Important note:
- people with high bp should not drink too much coffee. Control its quantity. Take it as one cup a day.
- Choose the time to drink coffee carefully.
- Follow the right lifestyle and eating habits

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