What are the symptoms of fatty liver?There are no specific symptoms in the beginning of fatty liver disease. people often ignore it. But as the disease progresses, some common symptoms may appear. These include fatigue and weakness, sudden weight gain, mild abdominal pain or swelling, yellowing of the skin (jaundice), headache and gastric problems.
How is fatty liver tested?
Doctors do many different tests to detect fatty liver. First, liver function test (LFT) is done, which evaluates the function of the liver and liver enzymes and bile sults are examined in it. After this, the condition of the liver is assessed through ultrasonography (ultrasound), which gives information about the accumulation of fat in the liver. If ultrasound does not give complete information, then the doctor can recommend CT scan or MRI. If the condition is more serious, then the procedure of liver biopsy can also be done, which gives the correct information about the condition of the liver cells.
What are the remedies to avoid fatty liver?
Indian liver specialist, Dr. Shiv Kumar Sarin says that to avoid fatty liver, it is important to change the diet and lifestyle. First of all, one should take a balanced diet, which should avoid excess calories, fat and sugar. Eat homemade food and include green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, fish and whole grains in your diet. Processed foods, such as biscuits, chocolates, packed pastries and fast food should be avoided as they are harmful for the liver.
Apart from this, alcohol should be avoided completely, or if you have to drink alcohol, then you can drink a little alcohol once a week. Because alcohol causes inflammation and damage to the liver. Exercise is also important and one should ensure that sweating occurs from exercise, such as brisk walking, running or going to the gym. It is also important to keep weight under control, as excess weight puts pressure on the liver and can worsen the condition of fatty liver. Along with this, if someone in your family has fatty liver or if you are suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, then regular liver checkup should be done.