These lifestyle mistakes increase risk of pancreatic cancer!

Sudha Subbiah

These lifestyle mistakes increase risk of pancreatic cancer!

Pancreatic cancer is a serious disease that starts in the pancreas. Which is an important organ located behind the stomach. Pancreas is known for digesting food and controlling sugar in the blood. The scariest thing about this cancer is that this type of cancer is often detected late, which makes its treatment difficult. It is very important to know about its causes in time. Also, to identify it early so that it can be prevented in time.

Symptoms of pancreatic cancer

One of the biggest risk factors for pancreatic cancer is smoking. Research shows that smokers are twice as likely to develop this disease as non-smokers. This is because the chemicals present in tobacco cause a lot of damage to the dna found in the cells of the pancreas. Which increases the risk of cancer. However, if you quit smoking. The risk of these serious diseases is greatly reduced.

Which diseases increase the risk of pancreatic cancer?

Another serious disease that it causes is chronic pancreatitis. Which causes long term inflammation in the pancreas. Drinking too much alcohol also increases the risk of this disease. If there is a problem in this, there may be gallstones or genetic reasons. Due to which long term pancreas can be damaged. Due to which the risk of cancer also increases. Especially if pancreatitis is already in the family.

This is the biggest cause of pancreatic cancer

Obesity and unhealthy diet can also increase the risk. Research shows that obese people are more likely to get pancreatic cancer. Eating too much red and processed meat also increases the risk of pancreatic cancer. In such a situation, the most important thing to do is to avoid eating too much sugary drinks or unhealthy fats, which increases obesity rapidly. This also causes serious diseases like cancer. On the other hand, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help reduce the risk.

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