Top 10 Simple Home Remedies For Cracked Heels

Kiran Vimala

Cracked heels are very unpleasant, often painful condition, and looks really ugly.  Cracking is caused by dryness of the thickened skin of the heels. In this article read about 10 remedies that are simple and you can make it at your home.

Usually the treatment have two parts: Scrubbing and Intensive hydration. After the treatment skin on the heel will be soft and flexible.

lemon, salt, glycerin, rose water:

This foot mask first of all heals your feet and because of that is perfect for cracked heels. In a large container put hot water, salt , lemon juice, glycerin and rose water. Soak your feet for 15 – 20 minutes. After that with a pumice stone or foot scrubber, scrub your heels.

Take 1 tablespoon glycerin (undiluted), 1 tablespoon rose water and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Make a mixture and apply it on the heels. You can put on socks because this mixture is sticky. Leave it over the night and wash them next morning

Vegetable oil

Dry skin is also a common problem, beside cracked heels. Wash your feet and dry them completely. Apply vegetable oil and massage your feet while the oil absorbs. Put on a socks and leave over the night. After several treatments you will see the difference.


The pulp of ripe banana is great for cracked heels. Put blended banana pulp on your feet and keep it about 10 minutes. You can combine banana with half avocado or half green coconut. Blend the ingredients together and apply the paste on your heels. These fruits contain essential oils and vitamins that will keep your heel soft and hydrated.

Vaseline and lemon juice

Soak your feet in hot water about 15 – 20 minutes. Drythem and put mixture of 1 tablespoon Vaseline and lemon juice. Massage while it aabsorbs. Put on a woolen socks and keep it over the night. Socks will raise body temperature and the treatment will be more effective.

Paraffin wax

This treatment is good choice if you have really cracked heels. Mix paraffin wax and mustard or coconut oil. Heat the mixture until the wax melts. When the mixture cools at a room temperature, apply it on your feet. For best results use it before you go to bed and put on a socks.


In a big container of hot water put 1 cup honey and soak your feet about 15 – 20 minutes. Scrub the cracked heels gently. Honey is great moisturizer and also has antibacterial properties.

Rice Flour

Make a paste of 2 – 3 tablespoon ground rice, few spoons honey and apple cider vinegar. If you have extremely cracked heels add olive oil or sweet almond oil. Soak your feet in a hot water about 10 minutes and scrub them gently with this paste.

Olive Oil

On a cotton ball apply virgin olive oil and massage your feet with a circular motions about 10 – 15 minutes. Put on cotton socks and leave about 1 hour. You can make foot cream with this ingredients: in a bottle put 1 tablespoon olive oil, few drops lemon or lavenderoil and same amount of water. Shake it before use.


Make paste with 1 tablespoon oatmeal and jojoba oil. Apply it on the cracked heels, and leave it to absorb about 30 minutes. After that, wash it with cold water.

Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is great choicefor cracked heels. Apply it every night before you go to bed. Massage your feet until your skin absorbs the oil. These simple remedies that you can make in your home will heal the cracked heels and will save you money. So, why not try some of the listed treatments?


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