How to Announce Your Pregnancy

Rama Rao
Announcing Your Pregnancy  The little stick has turned pink! Your blood test came back positive! This is just the news you've been waiting for and you can't wait to share it. But should you? When is the right time to announce your pregnancy? Two key people need to be informed immediately, your partner and your doctor. What is the best way to tell your partner that the two of you are about to become the three of you? Or that the three children you have are about to become four? Or the... okay, you get the point. Telling your sweetheart that a baby's on the way can be both exciting and a little nerve wracking.  How to tell him, when to tell him, where to tell him, whether he's as anxious to parent as you are, or whether he's more reserved about parenting, you announcing the pregnancy is the emotional equivalent to his popping the big question (or asking you to move in together if that's the lifestyle choice you've made). Think of the planning you'd want to go into such an event if you were on the receiving end of such tremendous news.  Make your announcement special. After all what is more special than creating a life together? This is not the time for an email. Unless hubby's a techno wizard, in which case that might be an apropos means of giving him the news. How about a romantic dinner topped off by a cake with a pacifier on top? Make this announcement truly special. After all, Dads are often left out of all the fuss that is made over pregnancy. Make a fuss over him, the rest of the fuss (from friends, family, and even strangers) will be all about you. Oh, yes and the baby, of course. 

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