Healthy eating habits for Kids


Eat breakfast

Have breakfast, even if it’s just a banana and a glass of milk, kick-starts the body and makes it easier to maintain lasting energy throughout the day. If you can get your kids to establish the habit of eating a good breakfast at a young age, it should stay with them as they get older.

Drink Water

Make water the drink of choice at meal times, and keep juice and sweet drinks as occasional treats. While juice has valuable nutrients and gives a concentrated energy boost for active, growing bodies, kids should go for water first when they are thirsty, not sugar-sweetened drinks.

Eat together

If you can encourage your children to eat regular meals with you at the table, it can not only reduce snacking, it can also teach valuable social skills.

Be Creative

Different colors have different effects, so it’s good to eat a variety of different colors each day. Offer your kids a colorful snack of different fruits and berries, or chop vegetables into interesting shapes to make them seem more fun and exciting

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