Diets for Calcium Oxalate Kidney stones

frame Diets for Calcium Oxalate Kidney stones


Eating animal protein may increase your chances of developing kidney stones. A health care professional may tell you to limit eating animal protein, including beef, chicken, and pork, especially organ meats, eggs, fish and shellfish milk, cheese, and other dairy products.

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Although you may need to limit how much animal protein you eat each day, you still need to make sure you get enough protein. Consider replacing some of the meat and animal protein you would typically eat with beans, dried peas, and lentils, which are plant-based foods that are high in protein and low in oxalate.

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Talk with a health care professional about how much total protein you should eat and how much should come from animal or plant-based foods. Even though calcium sounds like it would be the cause of calcium stones, it’s not. In the right amounts, calcium can block other substances in the digestive tract that may cause stones.

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It may be best to get calcium from low-oxalate, plant-based foods such as calcium-fortified juices, cereals, breads, some kinds of vegetables, and some types of beans. Ask a dietitian or other health care professional which foods are the best sources of calcium for you.

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