Some strategies how to manage Ulcer

frame Some strategies how to manage Ulcer


Some dietary changes may help to complement medical treatment for ulcers, such as avoiding spicy foods like black pepper or chilies. These foods won’t cause an ulcer, but they may aggravate them and make them worse. If you find a particular food upsets your ulcer, you should avoid it.

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Changing the way you eat may help to reduce ulcer symptoms. For example, avoid late night snacks that may trigger nocturnal acid secretion. Eating regular meals may also help reduce the production of stomach acid. Because caffeine can increase the production of stomach acid, moderate your intake of caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, cola drinks) and de-caffeinated coffee, and drink them with meals. 

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Avoid cigarettes, which may reduce the natural defenses in the stomach and slow down the healing process. Moderate your intake of alcohol, especially when an ulcer is causing you pain. Alcohol can irritate the lining of your stomach, so it is best consumed with food. Some men might also find that specific types of alcohol such as beer cause more irritation than others.


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