Lifestyle Choices that Affect Women’s Health

saraswathi nikhil
A list of lifestyle choices that affect a  woman’s health includes the following: Drinking too much alcohol-A moderate amount of alcohol especially beer or wine is not going to be a problem. Neither is an occasionally shot of whiskey which at one time used to be used for curing certain sicknesses. However, drinking more than maybe one or two drinks at a time and/or drinking excess amounts every day can have serious effects on your health. It especially causes liver problems and cardiovascular problems or heart attacks. It can also cause tooth decay and fetal defects. Smoking/using tobacco-The use of tobacco can cause a number of health problems. It can lead to lung or breast cancer for instance, or colon cancer. It could lead to stroke, heart attack, or dementia. It may cause accelerated aging, tooth decay, and gingivitis. Furthermore, it is one of the leading causes of cardio pulmonary disease and heart attacks, as well as diabetes. The precursors to these diseases are also caused by smoking (high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and more). Lack of exercise-Not being active can take a toll on your mental and physical health. It can lead to pent-up anxiety and agitation that has not been released. It also leads to obesity and then eventually it causes numerous health problems that could have otherwise been avoided. It can lead to depression or suicide if the lack of motivation continues. Although we eat balanced meals, our digestive system does not work properly. ( If you do not exercise chances are you do not eat very healthy either.) Lack of social life-We all need people for a variety of reasons. Perhaps it is for companionship, sex (safe sex, i.e, preferably with a lifetime partner), or encouragement. We all need affection and touch as well especially when we are going through a hard time. Promiscuous sexual activity-The main risk of sexual promiscuity is catching incurable or fatal diseases. The risk is more increased when you have sex with multiple partners and you are not protected at all times. This could lead to viral illnesses, lesions, wart outbreaks and a number of health problems. The worst-case scenario is that your immune system could completely break down and you could die. Conclusion: Do whatever you can to improve your life. If the above issues are corrected, it would be an excellent place to start.

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