Benefits of eating Custard Apple


Custard Apple during Pregnancy

Custard apple helps develop the brain, nervous system and immune system of a fetus effectively. Regular consumption of custard apple also reduces the risk of miscarriage during pregnancy and minimizes the extent of labor pain during childbirth. The pregnancy wonder fruit also helps the expectant mother to cope with morning sickness, fight nausea, numbness and mood swings. Regular consumption during pregnancy is excellent for production of breast milk.

Prevents Asthma

Custard apple is rich in Vitamin B6 which helps reduce the bronchial inflammation and help prevent asthmatic attacks.

Prevents Heart Attacks

The magnesium content in custard apples helps defend the heart from cardiac attack and can help relax the muscles. Moreover Vitamin B6 in custard apples help prevents homocystein collection which also minimizes the risk of heart diseases.

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