What is the root of the Hindu-Muslim conflict?

S Venkateshwari
What is the root of the Hindu-Muslim conflict?

History expert, writer and senior journalist vishnu Sharma said, before the british, delhi was ruled by Mughal sultan Bahadur Shah Zafar. In 1857, the british started ruling Delhi. When the war against the british broke out in the Revolution of 1857, Hindus and Muslims fought together. So the british expelled all Muslims from Old Delhi. Muslims remained outside delhi for about 20 years.

"When the time for independence came, Muslims were asked to leave the country, although gandhiji had said that we are not asking anyone to leave. But the situation was very serious at that time. In the train coming from pakistan, I saw that all the Sikhs were killed. Seeing this, the Sikhs also became aggressive, they also attacked to take revenge. In such a situation, the Muslims living in delhi were very scared. In such a situation, it was thought that those Muslims should be given a separate colony/area. jawaharlal nehru supported this. At the same time, Sardar patel wanted that Muslims should also live in their area along with Hindus. Both should not be separated." vishnu Sharma further tells that jawaharlal nehru considered Sikhs responsible for the communal violence at that time. A group of Sikhs from punjab of pakistan met Nehruji and demanded to build a separate city 7 miles away from delhi for their living. But Nehruji did not accept their demand. However, later chandigarh was settled about 200 miles away from Delhi. Then this discrimination and division is the root of today's dispute.

"Today a social problem is that if a Muslim comes and settles in a Hindu colony, then the other Hindu residents start discussing whether their numbers are increasing so fast, should we live here or not. Muslims often buy houses by paying more money. But then usually they get houses of other Hindus in that area at a cheaper price, because then the Hindu wants to move out of that area. If Sardar Patel's words had been accepted at the time of independence, then perhaps this problem would not have arisen today."

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