This is the special force of the Indian Air Force...

S Venkateshwari
This is the special force of the indian air Force...

Garud Commandos are counted among those elite special forces of india whose name makes the enemy tremble. As difficult as it is to be selected for this force, it is equally difficult to complete its longest and tiring training. After more than a thousand days of training, the youth who pass get the opportunity to serve the motherland as Garud Commandos. Let's know about this special force...

Garud is the most lethal weapon of the air Force.

This special force, formed in february 2004, has got its name from Garud Dev. Like the Garuda bird, these commandos are a part of the indian air Force. The difficult training of Garud Commandos in various elite forces of the Navy, army and air Force is about 1000 days. The country's air Force bases and war situations have the responsibility of working on special tasks. Garud Commandos are equipped with heavy weapons. This force is specially trained to attack enemy airspace, destroy enemy radars and other equipment, and for special combat and rescue operations.

Difficult training is completed in several stages

The training of Garud Commandos is of about three years, but it is completed in several stages. In the first stage, the youth selected for Garud Commandos are given 72 weeks of basic training at Hindon Airbase in Ghaziabad. This includes the use of parachutes. After this, they are sent to the Naval school from there and then to the Army's Outer Insurgency and Jungle Warfare School. In this way, they are trained in every kind of situation and every kind of war skills.

This is why it was formed

In the year 2001, terrorists targeted two air bases of the indian air Force in kashmir - SRINAGAR/JAMMU' target='_blank' title='jammu and kashmir-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">jammu and kashmir and attacked them. After these attacks, the need for a separate commando force was feltfor the security of air force bases and counter operations. After this, the air Force prepared its own selection process and formed the Garud Commando Force. This force was prepared on the lines of Para SF and Indian Navy's MARCOS.

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