When, why and for what did Gandhi renounce physical relations?

frame When, why and for what did Gandhi renounce physical relations?

S Venkateshwari
When, why and for what did gandhi renounce physical relations?

Mahatma gandhi was the leader of India's freedom struggle and a great thinker. His life and philosophy inspired millions of people. mahatma gandhi did many experiments in his life, one of which was 'observance of celibacy'. He renounced physical relations, which gave a new dimension to his life and philosophy.

Celibacy means association with Brahma (universe). From a religious point of view, it is considered control over sexual desire. But, for gandhiji, celibacy was not just physical restraint, but it was a philosophy of life. According to him, celibacy makes a person physically and mentally healthy and he can contribute more to the society. After all, when, why and for what did mahatma gandhi renounce physical relations, this question is often asked. To answer this question, we have to understand Gandhiji's life and his philosophy deeply.

When did mahatma gandhi take the vow of celibacy?

Mahatma gandhi was born on 2 october 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat. He grew up in a simple family. gandhiji adopted the principles of non-violence and truth during his experiences in south africa in 1906. During this time he saw that it is necessary to maintain a balance in social, political and personal life. To give a new direction to his life, he considered meditation and self-control important.

In 1906, at the age of 37, gandhiji took a vow of celibacy. He called it his 'celibacy vow'. In Hinduism, 'celibacy' is one of the four stages of life, which specifically symbolizes the first stage called student life.In this stage, the student has to practice celibacy along with acquiring spiritual knowledge. Gandhiji, however, used the word celibacy for his own celibacy experiment, even though he was not a student and was not even in the first stage of life. In fact, he was already married 18 years ago and had four sons. Yet while living in south africa, just before his first Satyagraha vow, he took a vow to become a celibate. Gandhiji's celibacy vow meant complete abstinence from physical relations. He followed this vow till the end of his life.

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