Have Naxalite attacks decreased? Why do Naxalites recruit girls?

frame Have Naxalite attacks decreased? Why do Naxalites recruit girls?

S Venkateshwari
Have Naxalite attacks decreased? Why do Naxalites recruit girls?

In the last few years, Naxalite attacks in chhattisgarh have reduced significantly. Between 2010 and 15 september 2024, Naxalites carried out a total of 1853 attacks on India's economic infrastructure. This means that they destroy things that are important for the country's economy. By destroying the economic infrastructure, Naxalites want to weaken the government and show that the government cannot protect the people.

The highest number of such attacks was 365 in the year 2010. The lowest number of attacks was 21 in 2024 (till 15 September). In the last few years, the number of attacks by Naxalites has reduced significantly, which is a good thing. Between 2010 and 2024, Naxalites carried out an average of 143 attacks every year.

Attacks in which more soldiers were martyred have also reduced. In april 2010, 76 security personnel were martyred in Dantewada. This is the biggest Naxalite attack till date. In march 2007, more than 50 security personnel were martyred in an attack on a police station. Recently, the security forces have intensified their campaign against the Naxalites. Due to this, many Naxalites have been killed and their influence area has also reduced.

Why do Naxalites recruit girls?

Naxalites recruit small children, especially girls, in their organization and use them for violence. Naxalites also include children in their organization. They attract small children towards their ideology and train them to use weapons.

In states like chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, Naxalites have formed 'Bal Dasta' which includes small children. Girls are recruited more. Most parents do not want to send their children with the Naxalites. But the Naxalites threaten and intimidate them. Due to this fear, many poor tribal parents send their daughters with the Naxalites.

Naxalites send women to the forefront in encounters with security forces. They know that the security forces will hesitate to shoot at women. Although Naxalites oppose male dominance, the number of women in their leadership is very less.

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