50 % Chronically Malnourished Children in Afghanistan!

Sindujaa D N

According to the United Nations, more than half of Afghanistan's children under the age of five are chronically malnourished. According to the United Nations, one million children are at risk of dying if international organisations do not act quickly. The systems have issued a warning stating that Afghanistan's democratic government was overthrown on august 15. The Taliban seized power after 20 years of fighting with US soldiers and the Afghan government, as a result, have founded the rule with Islamic law.

Following the Taliban's takeover of power, the international community cut connections with Afghanistan. As a result, there has been a severe economic downturn. Water, food, basic medical care, and malnutrition afflict over 14 million Afghans. In this example, Herve Ludovic delis, UNICEF's representative for afghanistan, took a two-day trip to Herat. Mary Ellen Mc Cordy, the World Food Programme's Representative for afghanistan, accompanied him. According to their research, 95 per cent of Afghan households are food insecure, as a result, food is occasionally distributed by parents and adults for their children.

Parents and adults are concerned about the hunger condition of children. Malnutrition will become the most serious problem in afghanistan unless prompt action is taken. The international community must promptly release large sums of money to afghanistan to resolve the situation immediately. 

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