Kids Contentment Starts from Home

Sowmiya Sriram
Kids Contentment Starts from Home
Contentment is the best wealth one can have. Being satisfied makes you feel happier and less stressed. Satisfaction in kids has to be taught from home itself. Let's read the ways below to make your kids contented and satisfied.
1. From Parents: Kids learn what they see from their parents. Set a boundary or a limit to you, so that it leads an example for your kids. For example, reduce your shopping for dresses or reduce on buying some extravagant things for your house.
2. Teach kids about money: Kids should learn the value of money and how much each thing costs. Make them do small chores at home and reward them with a small amount of money for their piggy bank. Make the kids buy their favorite things from that savings. It will make them think twice before spending money and make them contented also.
3. Sharing is caring: Giving others or helping others makes us more contented. Ask your child to share whatever he has with others. It will make them socialize and empathize with others.
4. Gratitude: Showing an act of gratitude is the best way to be contented. Teach your kid to be grateful for all the good things they have done in a day. Being thankful makes oneself more happy and contented.

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