Basic GK questions to teach for 4 to 7-year-olds!!!

S Venkateshwari
Basic GK questions to teach for 4 to 7-year-olds!!!

During the age of 4 to 7, we consider it the perfect time to introduce kids to GK's general knowledge-related topics. Since everything is new to your child, he/she will be eager to get more information and knowledge about new things. And their perceptual capacity is fast during this period, making it easy to remember. The ability to ask questions, the ability to explore things around oneself, and the ability to think.

Some simple questions about GK for kids ages 4-7:

At this age, people will be curious about numbers, creatures, and colors. So they can develop their knowledge in these matters by asking them general knowledge questions related to months, days, time, rainbow, trees, animals.

1. How many days in a regular year?

2. How many hours a day?

3. Which of the following 12 months has the least number of days?

4. Which day comes after Sunday?

5. What is a baby frog called?

6. How many colors does a rainbow have?

7. Which is the tallest mountain in the world?

8. Where does a pig live?

9. We use our eyes to — 

10. Name the National bird of India?

11. What is the capital of India?

12. Name the house made of ice?

13. What are your ears for?

By the age of 8 to 10, your child will be more interested in the world and how it works. He/she seeks information on his / her own from all available sources such as authors, parents, books, and the internet.

You can have fun playing with the questions that will develop general knowledge according to your child's age. This is a great way to develop not only course knowledge but also world knowledge. 

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