Shocking report about Video games!!!

S Venkateshwari
Shocking report about Video games!!! 

You must have been the craze of video games at some point or the other, but nowadays it has become a matter of great concern for the parents. They feel that this will create a hindrance in the development of their children's intelligence. Many studies have been done on whether video games are right or wrong. In which scientists are presenting their opinion, someone says that video games make the mind dull, then many negative aspects are counted in some research. A recent study has revealed that video games can also be beneficial for children. Let us know about this closely.

Does playing video games harm children?

In this test conducted on more than 5000 children aged 10 to 12 years, it has been revealed that children who were not so intelligent 2 years ago, their IQ increased by playing video games. In this joint research by Torkel Klingberg, Karolinska Institute and Bruno Sauce, Vrije university Amsterdam/Stockholm, children were asked how many hours a day they spent on social media, on video games or watching TV. Many of these children have said that they spend an average of 1 hour playing video games.

What is the conclusion of this study?

In a study conducted on about 5000 children, it has been revealed that children who spend more time on video games have seen an increase of 2.5 points in IQ. These IQ points are based on the child's reading comprehension, memory, thinking ability, self-control.

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