Dog riding motorcycle without wearing helmet !

Shareef Zafarullah
In a very rare and extremely funny videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">video erupted from north videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">east Brazilian state of  Pernambuco, a Labrador breed dog literally driving a motorcycle along with two pillion riders with helmet. The hilarious videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">video has left many in laughter riot. 

 In an extremely hilarious videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">video from a Brazilian state that shows a Labrador dog literally driving a motorcycle along with two pillion riders on back seat laughing their hearts out. The man sitting on back seat is seen encouraging the dog riding ability, the paws of the dog is seen resting on the motorcycle handle. 

 The videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">video was shot by the uploader while he was passing by the highway, he was amused and couldn’t believed that a canine was literally driving the motorcycle, two pillion riders sitting on back seat were in fact cheering the dog, and relishing the moment. The videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">video posted on videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">youtube has so far have garnered more than 26,000 times with 1400 likes. 

 Though many of them have expressed doubts regarding the dog’s riding motorcycle videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">video, few have even expressed concern over dog not wearing helmet while driving. However the genuineness of the videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">video is still under suspicion.

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