What is Coronavirus and how it is dangerous?


Coronaviruses get their name from their shape. They are surrounded by a halo of spiky proteins that makes them look like a crown or the corona of the sun. The original source of coronavirus diseases isn't people. These viruses are zoonotic. That means people originally catch the virus from some animal. SARS and MERS were passed onto humans by bats.


Before SARS, MERS and 2019-nCoV coronaviruses were believed to just cause colds. In the last two decades, we have seen them jumping species, causing serious disease in humans.  Prevention is necessary because, currently, no cure exists for coronaviruses. All doctors can do is treat their symptoms.


Viruses are non-living but they multiply inside living cells. They are dangerous because they hind inside cells making it difficult for antibodies to reach them. So take care of yourself by keeping yourself hygenic and have food supplements available in the market and protect your body.

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