How to Get Rid of 'Negative Vibe' Friendship?

S Venkateshwari
How to Get Rid of 'Negative Vibe' Friendship? 

An alert record!!!

Good friends will help you rise and be a guide to rising.  We have seen those who are friends become traitors over a while. Being with us as a wolf in sheep's clothing, those who turn against us are very dangerous. They naturally have two data-faces. Although their activities may seem sweet at first, they will eventually get into big trouble. Thus all aspects of life including mental health and relationships will go to hell. Since it is dangerous to get acquainted with such friends, it is best to identify and avoid such people in your circle of friends first.

It will be his habit to continue texting and calling regardless of your circumstances. They will never worry about what situation you are in. They will never care about the work you do and will continue to bother you. Chances are you will not be able to focus on the work you are doing at this time.

True friends are those who understand your difficult times and are gentle. But those who act without listening and understanding your words are dangerous. 

People who talk to you too much about others are dangerous. The same person will talk badly about you when you go to another place.

Good friends will help you rise and be a guide to rising. But, sad-minded people will never like your growth. They will be the ones to pull you down or make you jealous of growth. It is healthy to identify such minded people and to adhere to the immediate exclusion even if you are close friends.

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