Closest photo of the sun: Taken for the first time!

Sindujaa D N

Is it possible to take a picture of the sun? No, not that distant picture from your camera, but a near one, in which the flames of the sun are also visible? You must also be thinking that who can take such a picture because it is impossible to go so close to the sun. But the closest picture of the sun has been taken and this picture has created history. 

7.40 crore km away the sun

This picture is believed to be the closest picture taken of the sun so far. This picture of the full disk image of the sun, that is, the whole sphere, was taken on march 7 from the Solar Orbiter of nasa and the european Space Agency. Everyone is surprised to see such a picture of the sun located at a distance of 7.40 crore km from the star.

photo was taken in 4 hours 

According to scientists, this mosaic of 25 photographs was taken even when the orbiter was passing between the Earth and the Sun. In this Outer Atmosphere and Corona are seen together. It took about 10 minutes to make each of the tiles in this picture taken in four hours. The most striking feature of the picture is that it shows countless small flames rising everywhere, which can be used to help predict space weather in the future.

There are many types of gases present in the sun, whose temperature is also different. In this amazing picture taken of the sun, a purple colored sphere is visible which shows hydrogen gas. Whose temperature is 10 thousand degree Celsius. At the same time, the blue circle with a temperature of 32 thousand degrees Celsius represents carbon. 3.20 lakh degree Celsius hot oxygen is shown in green. At the same time, 6.30 lakh degree Celsius hot neon gas is shown in the yellow circle.

First such picture in 50 years

This image was captured by a payload called Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment mounted on Solar Orbiter. Let us tell you that this picture of the sun is special because it is the first such picture of the sun taken in 50 years which has been captured so close. Apart from this, the special feature of this picture is that it has captured the Lyman-beta wavelength of ultraviolet rays emanating from the hydrogen gas of the sun.

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