Why social media detox is necessary???

S Venkateshwari
Why social media detox is necessary???

In a new research conducted by the university of Bath, it has come to the fore that it is necessary to take at least a week off from social media. By doing this, the risk of serious diseases like depression and anxiety can be reduced to a great extent. In the research, 154 people aged 18 to 72 were divided into two groups. One was asked not to use social media while the other was given complete leeway.

Participants who were given access to social media browsed social media for an average of seven to eight hours a week. The researchers then asked them some questions on depression and anxiety with the help of validated tests. Researchers asked participants to rate certain statements such as "I am feeling optimistic about my future" and "I am thinking clearly".

To measure the level of depression, participants were asked questions such as "how often during the past two weeks you were showing little interest or enthusiasm in doing things". Researchers monitored anxiety using the General Anxiety Disorder Scale, which looked at how often a person was nervous or upset.

Research findings

In research, with the help of The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale, it has been revealed that those who took a week's break from social media saw an average increase of 46 to 55.93 in the Well Being Scale. Among these participants, there was also a significant drop in the level of depression which ranged from 7.46 to 4.84. The anxiety level also came down from 6.92 to 5.94.

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