Three Things To Consider Before Marriage

Numerous other pragmatic factors also play a role in match compatibility, in addition to zodiac signs and horoscopes. The potential partners must understand one another in many different ways, not just in terms of matching preferences and interests. The following factors must be considered, regardless of whether it was a love marriage or an arranged union, as many divorces have also occurred on these grounds:
Spender or Saver?
Many couples (especially those where both partners work) experience financial disagreements over time. The marriage may suffer if one partner is preoccupied with saving while the other is preoccupied with spending. That turns out to be the ideal match when both are in saving mode. While they can both survive without complaining while they are wasteful, they may eventually run into financial difficulties. However, the issue is with the opposing poles.
Past Occurrences:
Before the wedding itself, it is important to discuss former relationships, even brief flings. In the worst case, the game ends in a draw. However, after the marriage, even if they are briefly exchanged, the sparks could quickly ignite the entire calm. Alternatively, the pair should feel secure in burying the past for good.
It's important to understand the prospective partner's expectations with regard to moving abroad and leading an opulent lifestyle. False expectations of one of the spouses are a common cause of divorce. Undoubtedly, the humble people have stronger marriages. However, things may go awry if one partner in a partnership is more ambitious and the other is more modest.

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