Good news on the first day of the month..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Good news on the first day of the month..!?
Although the indian economy has grown up to 13.5 percent in the june quarter, it has only achieved 20.1 percent growth recorded in the same period last year. While the economy of the world countries, especially the United States, Britain, and Europe, is bad, india has achieved 2 target growth, which is seen as a quality incident. But the main reason for achieving a worse decline than last year is the rise in prices. In this situation, the first day of september has not only made the people happy but also created a favorable situation for the country's economy.
Consumers especially common people are the most affected by a price hikes in India. The consumer market has been affected in a big way as the prices of vegetables, fruits, and food items that people buy daily have gone up a lot. In this situation, on the first day of september, the prices of potatoes and tomatoes, which play an important role in the diet of the people of india, have fallen sharply today. Potato prices fell by 30 percent and tomato prices by 20 percent in the morning trade market.
Potato traders had stockpiled large quantities of potatoes in anticipation of a rise in prices, but have now dumped them in bulk as prices have not risen. Similarly, due to the high yield of tomatoes, their supply in the market has increased. In response to this, the prices of both have fallen massively. In this case, the farmers have requested the tomato pulp companies in andhra pradesh to buy more tomatoes. Traders said that the farmers will get higher prices through this.
Yesterday, the price of a kilo of potato in the wholesale market was Rs 20 and now it has come down to Rs 14-16. While potato prices have remained stable for the past few months, they have now come down and the common man has got some relief in terms of financial expenditure.

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