Red marks on the face is a sign of serious illness!!!
It is common to have rashes on the data-face like pimples and redness but if this problem persists for a long time, then it should not be ignored at all. This can be a serious skin problem. red color on the data-face can be a sign of Rosacea.
This is such a skin problem, in which red spots appear on the data-face in the initial days and gradually they start spreading. In such a situation, many people look for its home remedies, but by doing home remedies, this problem can increase even more. In such a situation, it would be better to consult a doctor. Today, through this article, we are telling you about this serious problem as well as its symptoms and correct treatment.
Rosacea SymptomsBurning or stinging sensation on the data-facePermanent redness appearing on the skin, ie once the skin turns red, it does not heal by itselfHaving red recesses on the skinReasons of RosaceaPeople who work in high stress were at increased risk of getting rosaceaDue to excessive exercise or drinking very hot beveragesConsuming a lot of spices in daily foodWomen have to data-face this problem due to hormonal changes during menopauseConsuming excessive amounts of alcohol or taking caffeine also promotes this problemTreatment of RosaceaThere is no other cure for Rosacea except some medicines. This problem occurs in four different phases. Which starts from the forehead. The doctor may prescribe some mild antibiotics for rosacea.If you have rosacea, you should go less in the sun, due to any compulsion, if you have to stay in the sun, then keep the data-face covered properly.This problem also occurs due to stress, in such a situation go to a good counselor so that you can get relief from stress.If rosacea is more severe, the doctor may also recommend cosmetic surgery.