Ayurvedic remedies for Grey Hair...

S Venkateshwari
Ayurvedic remedies for Grey Hair...

Nowadays the problem of white hair has started happening in old age people as well as in young people. Not only men but women are also troubled by this problem. In such a situation, people use different types of chemical-rich hair dye and hair colour to overcome this problem. Due to this, instead of turning black, the hair starts getting worse. But today we are telling you some such tips, with the help of which you can save your hair from turning white with scientific methods and keep them black. So let's know about these special methods.

Curd almond paste

To darken the hair, first of all, mix a little almond in a bowl of curd, you can also take sesame oil instead of almond oil. After this, prepare a paste by mixing aloe vera pulp and one spoon of honey in it and massage the hair with it. This nourishes the hair and also removes dandruff.


To make hair black, definitely include Amla in the diet. You can consume it in the form of chutney, in the form of raw, and you will get amazing benefits from it.


Consuming one to two spoons of ghee daily is beneficial for health as well as hair. Apart from this, the use of ghee also makes the hair black and thick.

Amla oil

Along with Amla, its oil is also very effective in darkening hair. oil proves to be very effective for blackening hair.

Make ayurvedic shampoo

Hair can turn black naturally with Ayurvedic shampoos. You can prepare this shampoo at home. For this, soak Amla and Reetha in a pan and apply it in the morning like a shampoo.

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