Understand how India should plan for the elderly..?
The niti aayog study states that the nation must get ready before things get bad. This implies that numerous preparations should be made going forward by the indian government. The population will require the indian government to create plans for housing, a required savings plan, and adjustments to the tax code. Interest rates need to be raised. The majority of older adults in india are now relying on their savings because there isn't a significant pension plan that can help them after they retire, according to an niti aayog research. rely on your level of interest. However, the elderly's income can occasionally decline because to fluctuations in interest rates. According to niti aayog, a regulatory framework is required to set the interest rates on deposits made by the nation's senior citizens."
GST system - In addition, the Commission recommended that the tax and GST systems be enhanced for the products and equipment that are sold in the market to relieve the elderly population of financial strain.
Health Care: Currently, around 75% of the nation's senior population is afflicted with one or more chronic illnesses. This graph makes it evident that India's market for home-based care may grow in the near future. In its report, niti aayog advised the central government that since the country's senior population is expected to rise, efforts should be made to improve and lower the cost of India's health system.