How did we become addicted to violence?

S Venkateshwari
How did we become addicted to violence?

Be it TV, films, mobile games, newspapers, news channels, social media platforms, violence is being prominently shown everywhere. Violence and crime are being served in abundance. By seeing crime repeatedly on all platforms, we have become used to seeing violence. Perhaps this is the main reason for the loss of our sensitivity.

That is why today society is rapidly moving towards insensitivity. Think for yourself, there was a time when if a murder happened somewhere, the entire intersection, locality would remain in panic. people would imprison themselves in their homes. They would not go out for a week or fifteen days. At least they would leave the road leading to the crime scene, but today is a time where the entire family is murdered, a dozen people are being slit, yet the next day the shops in the neighborhood open openly. The markets remain as lively as on normal days. How are we becoming so ruthless? This is a matter of thought. It seems as if committing and happening heinous crimes, misdeeds, violence has become a common thing and as if people have become used to seeing it.

Decline in tolerance

Our tolerance is continuously declining. It seems as if our patience has ended. After posting photos or videos on social media, the desire to immediately keep a look at how many likes or comments have been received, somewhere increases restlessness in people and becomes the cause of depression or unnecessary mental trouble. By constantly being immersed in the virtual world, people create a comfortable zone and when someone causes a hindrance in it, it is expressed in the form of violence or depression. Like snatching the mobile from a child watching cartoons or forbidding children toplay mobile games.

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