How has stress affected us?

S Venkateshwari
How has stress affected us?

Work stress is a serious problem that can have a profound effect on our physical and mental health. Stress tolerance refers to the amount of stress a person can tolerate and still function normally.

Stress is a part of all our lives but when it becomes too much it can affect our health and happiness. Stress can cause us to become anxious and irritable. Stress can be so severe that it can cause mental health problems. Such as anxiety and depression.

How much has work stress become a problem in India

In india, a significant portion of the populace is affected by work stress, which is a developing concern. Studies and surveys conducted recently indicate that a large percentage of people experience work-related stress. It affects one's mental and physical well-being.

According to a National Sample survey Office survey, almost 60% of indian workers report feeling stressed out at work. The World health Organization (WHO) discovered in another survey that almost one in four indian workers experience stress at work. According to an All india Management Association poll, 53% of indian workers experience stress as a result of their lengthy workdays and heavy workloads.

A report by the Ministry of health and Family Welfare states that work stress increases mental health problems. According to this report, work stress also has a negative impact on physical health, such as heart disease, obesity and sleep disturbances.

A study conducted by IIM ahmedabad found that work stress is the main cause of burnout in employees. Employees who feel more stressed are more prone to burnout, which reduces their job satisfaction, increases absenteeism and reduces productivity.

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