If you stay in this hotel, you get a chance to run a shop!!!

S Venkateshwari
If you stay in this hotel, you get a chance to run a shop!!!

Who doesn't like to travel? There are many people around the world who like to travel a lot. They keep traveling around the world. But today we are going to tell you about a hotel where the travelers staying here sleep in the hotel at night and sell books in the shop built below the hotel the next day. Yes. This hotel is known for its rules. Today we will tell you about it.


People around the world have a lot of craze for traveling. Every person travels according to his budget. Some people like to travel around the country, while some people like to travel abroad. While traveling, some people stay at cheap places, while some travelerslike to stay in luxury hotels. But today we are going to tell you about a hotel where after reaching, the travelers also rest and run the shop. Today we will tell you where this hotel is and what are the rules for staying here.

Hotel rules

The Daily Star news website states that Wigtown is a city in Scotland. which goes by the name of Scotland's National Book Town. This location has an Air-BnB hotel. Open Book is its name. This hotel is unique in that it has a hotel on top, meaning that there is a living room above and a book store below. which the guest staying here may manage. The resident has the opportunity to run this store and sell books as the shopkeeper.

Book store in the hotel

Let us tell you that this hotel is special for those people who sometimes feel like starting their ownbook store on the seashore. Not only this, this hotel has become so famous that there is a crowd to stay here and now the waiting period has become 2 years. According to the information, this is a charity-run air BnB, which opened in august 2014. The Wigtown festival Company started this hotel. This hotel has hosted 450 visitors from Beijing, Hawaii, thus far.

In addition, guests have the ability to rearrange the bookstore's decor, rearrange the books' location, and strike up conversations with other bookworms. That's why only readers come to stay here. Still, no information has been provided regarding who receives a portion of the proceeds from book sales.

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